Bowdoin has announced the Fall 2020 plan for students, staff, and faculty. Read more »
Accessible Earth
With Virtual Reality, Thais Carrillo ’23 Opens Famous Maine Geology Site to All
With a summertime grant from Bowdoin, Thais Carrillo is creating a virtual version of the Giant's Stairs in Harpswell, a site of geological importance.
Extending the Metaphor
Max Freeman: Memory Metaphors and the Power of Digital Photography
2021年全球大熊猫奶爸奶爸体验活动面试名单公布 ...:早在10月9号,中国正式启动第二届“全球大熊猫奶爸奶妈体验活动(Worldwide Giant Panda Keeper Volunteer Program),并且全球公开招募。最终筛选出12名幸运网友赴成都参加封闭培训及后续相关公益节目的录制。目前已经进入面试环节!
A Scholarly Summer
Meet the Newest Mellon Mays Fellows
Each spring, a small group of Bowdoin sophomores is selected as Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellows. Starting in the summer, the students begin independent research projects and participate in other activities as a community of scholars.
Burnout and Demoralization
Teaching in a Double Pandemic
Professor of Education Doris Santoro talks about the challenges facing teachers trying to do their jobs in the current environment.
A Gift for Matchmaking
Bored out of her mind during lockdown, Olivia Atwood '17 devised a dating app. It’s simple, she says: You submit a few facts about yourself, and she finds you a telephone date. It started as a hobby—now it’s getting big!
Race, Sports, and Culture
Black Athletes and Chicago: A Family Story
Ariana Smith ’21 is one of more than 160 students pursuing fellowships this summer. With the help of a Riley Research Award, she’s looking at the racial history of Chicago through the lens of sport and her own family history.
An Important Gift
Reed Hastings ’83 Makes $120 Million Gift to Historically Black Colleges and Education Fund
Reed Hastings ’83 and his wife, Patty Quillin, will donate $120 million to Morehouse and Spelman Colleges—two historically black colleges in Atlanta, Georgia—and to the United Negro College Fund.
Virtual Info Session
Student Aid and Affording College
We'll share general financial aid policies, how to apply for aid, and what to expect throughout the process. We'll also include time for questions and answers. RSVP »
Virtual Q&A
Student-to-Student Q&A Panel
Designed for prospective students to ask rising seniors questions about what it's like to pursue a liberal arts education at Bowdoin, campus culture, student activities, life in Brunswick, and more. RSVP »
Learn how to connect with admission offices to ensure you receive the information you value most. Walk away with tips to understand features that a great college must have to be considered home for you. RSVP »
Virtual Info Session
Insights and Advice for Application Writing
Learn about the importance of effective writing in college applications, including insights and tips to enhance presentation of yourself throughout your application. RSVP »
Interested in doing undergraduate research at Bowdoin?